Saturday, July 2, 2011


DAY 12

We woke up at 8:30 this morning. The wind blew so hard last night I thought it was going to come a tornado. I was so thankful that we were not in a tent. We all started eating breakfast and I made up some tea while the generator was running. The kids have been begging me to make tea..Mitchell went over to try his luck at fishing this morning. While I was straightening up the camper, Mitchell came running over to tell us that he caught a fish. We all took off to check it out. We almost got over there when Kali announced that she needed to pea. We were too far to walk back, so I told her to squat between a couple of trees and go. I guess she hasn't  had enough experience outside, because she peed all over her clothes. I called Alexa over to grab Paisley so I could take Kali back to clean her up. I cleaned her up and then we finally headed over to see the fish. We were all so excited... Finally, someone caught a fish.

The happy fisherman caught a lake trout.

Lawson decided to go get his pole...but he only got hung up.

Kali wanted to play with the fish.

Believe it or not I cleaned the fish....I know it was so gross. I was the only one who was going to do it and I wanted some fish. We got directions from Robin ( the ultimate fisher woman) and I did the best that I could until I could get some service on the Internet to see if I did it right. We put it on ice and in the cooler and headed out to Idaho. We are not sure what town we are headed to, just stop when we get tired. Kali and Paisley laid down for a nap, and it seems like it is taking forever to get there. We finally crossed the line into Idaho and we are 2 hours behind TN time now.

We found an RV site called Blue Lake RV Resort. They have water, electric, and wi-fi..woohoo.....They have a catch and release lake, but it has just been stocked with baby catfish and I do mean BABY CATFISH.

We got tired of watching him catch baby catfish so we headed up to cook the fish from this morning.

I cooked the trout and it was so good. It tasted alot like salmon. I had the kids put the laundry in the washer while I grilled burgers. When I was done we went to the pond to rent kayaks for the kids. I put life jackets on Paisley and Kali and Paisley thought that she was getting in the kayaks too. Thad decided to get in with her so she would stop crying.
she is happy now

she loves it too.

Mitchell fishing from his

Lawson and Alexa making circles around the pond.

Paisley after I took off her life jacket .

She was so mad. I took the little girls with me to check on the laundry while the others finished riding the kayaks. Then everyone came up to eat burgers and Thad watched Paisley in the bathtub while I took the other girls to the bath house. Then Thad took the boys over while I got Paisley asleep and Kali watched Bolt again.....Then we all went to sleep.
Updated picture of the map.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mitch!!! The picture of Kali in the chair looks like a postcard. I love it!!
