Thursday, July 28, 2011


DAY 39                                      Tues. July 26
We woke up early with plans to ride the train up to The Grand Canyon. I told Thad that I might have to stay behind with the girls. Kali had me up all night sick with a stomach virus. We drove over to the depot where you park for the train. Thad went over to get our tickets and I started breakfast. Kali woke up and she seems to be feeling better. She ate some toast and had a sprite and said she was ready to get on the train. We decided to take the train and hope for the best. We walked across the street and they had a wild west show before boarding. Kali got to pet the horse so she was happy. The show was funny and we took pictures with one of the bad guys and then boarded the train.

Laura, Mitchell say to tell uncle Rob that he wishes he could be here with him because he knows how much that he loves trains. Once we boarded the train, a guy came around singing to entertain us. He wasn't much of a singer but he was funny.

The girls loved it.

This was the sheriff. Thad told him that Kali didn't like the law. She would only smile and roll her tongue around in her mouth. She wouldn't say one word to him. It was so funny. We saw 2 deer and a jackrabbit along the way. It was a 2 hour ride to the Grand Canyon but we took pop corn for Paisley to help the ride not be so miserable. We made it to the canyon and it was still raining but only a sprinkle. We walked over to get our first look and this is all that we could see....FOG.

We decided to not get upset because we have 3 hours to spend here before we board the train. We walked over to the food court to get us something to eat. It is funny because Thad had a burger, Lawson had a sub, Alexa had a taco salad, and Mitchell had tacos. That is all stuff that we have eaten along the way. I decided to have something different. I had pasta and it was good. Paisley and Kali had pretzels and ketchup, yuck. Kali stopped at that but Paisley ate alot of my pasta and some of everyone else's food. We walked back over and stopped in a few shops to escape the rain. We also got to see the canyon. Most of the fog was gone, it is still not the perfect picture but we are happy to see anything but just fog.

Well we walked around a bit more and then headed to the train. I was ready for a nap but Paisley has been asleep on Thad's shoulders for awhile and just woke up and I am sure that she will not go back to sleep. We are on the train and they have another singer to entertain us. He is a better singer but not as loud and I am dosing in and out of sleep. I woke up and not long after I hear everyone gasping and saying look. Thad bought the tickets and I had no idea that there was going to be a mock train robbery. Paisley is saying

Here is everyone looking at the robbers.

Here is one of the robbers. Kali didn't care for this at all...Then the sheriff came by and ask her which way the robbers went. She still wouldn't talk to him. 
Kali started to get sleepy and she got in Thad's lap and fell asleep. He had to carry her back to the RV across the road where we were parked. I told him that he just thought that Paisley was heavy wait until we got across the road... Kali was really heavy. We headed over to the store to pick up a few things and got on Route 66 coming back to check it out. We saw a diner that was really cute.

We headed back to the RV for more Dukes of Hazard and supper.

Alexa drew and painted a rose.  Then off to bed.

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