Thursday, June 30, 2011

DAY 11 Driving through Glacier National Park

DAY 11

We woke up at 8:00 this morning to drive through the park. These are some of the views along the way.

We decided to pull over and stop to take a hike.

This looks like a fake backdrop.. I love this spot I wish we had the RV sitting on this rock.

Thad telling the kids he saw a bear......he didn't.  We did see bear poop and they had one of the trails closed because of bear danger.

It sounds weird to say that green water is pretty....but this water was such a pretty green color.

Kali and Alexa stopped for a photo and then a chipmunk came to run them out.

We decided to head back to the campsite since they had shut off the trail to the falls and we had went as far as they would let us in the RV. It was a fun day but we wished that we would have stayed by the campsite and went canoeing and fishing. It was allot of driving today. Mitchell keeps talking about fishing so I told him that I could catch more that him. We decided to have a fish-off. We started fishing and it was freezing. All I was catching was moss. This stinks...I think that Mitchell was right, there are no fish in this lake. I decided it was too cold for the girls, so I turned it over to the true fisherman. If I could have found a place to buy fresh fish I would have done it in a heartbeat to say that I beat Mitchell. He was so convinced that I could never beat him. He didn't catch anything either. We decided to take another hike before we have supper. 

Sissy loved this spot.

Lawson shoe skiing

The boys trying to be tuff....this water is freezing

Lawson skipping rocks

we saw a jackrabbit
 We had chili for supper and this guy walks by with a rod. They ask him if he had any luck and he said that he caught 5 trout on marshmallows and worms. The boys took off flying to try it out again. I put Paisley in the bath and watched the boys come back with no luck. They all hit around the volleyball and played in the snow again before we called it a night.

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