Thursday, July 28, 2011


                                DAY 40                                               Wed. July 27
We woke up and as I started to make a big breakfast, we realized that the lighter that I needed for the stove went out. Mitchell was so disappointed that he wasn't going to get his eggs but that is life. We all grabbed something quick and headed out on the road. We drove for most of the day to try to get past Albuquerque. We like to get past the big cities so that we don't get stuck in traffic. We saw alot of desert and very few animals.
This is a statue of a lizard with 2 heads.

This was sooooo funny...Alexa and Mitchell were laying here playing music on the computer and when Alexa got up, Paisley got her seat. She thought that it was so funny. We were going to try to get to Santa Rosa, NM. They have a place called Blue Hole and the water is super blue and people come here from all over to scuba dive. It looks really neat. Well, plans change so fast when you are on the road.. we hit traffic at Albuquerque. We decided to turn around and go to a campsite just a few exits back so that we are not stuck in traffic too long. It is still 2 hours to Santa Rosa and who knows how long that it will take to get through the wreck. We stayed at a place called American RV Park. It had a pool and a playground and full hook ups. After 30 minutes of playing, the boys came back to the RV. Thad and Paisley had laid down for a nap. I decided to get everyone out of the RV so they could sleep. We went to do laundry and to the pool. The boys didn't want to get back in the pool so they played on their ipods. I sit on the side while Kali floated in the pool. Sissy decided to join her after the sun went down.

We have been trying to limit her time in the sun so that her face can heal completely. It looks so much better. She has been such a sweetheart about the whole thing. She hasn't let it ruin her trip. After Paisley woke up they came over to the pool for awhile. Then they headed back to start the grill for supper. Mitchell took Paisley for a bike ride and we walked around to look at the little bunny rabbits that hopped everywhere.

 When we got back to the camper, the grill wasn't started. Thad  said that they have a rule that you cannot use charcoal here because of a risk of fire. I brought the chicken inside to cook it and we ate supper. The kids are working on their journals. They have once again got behind and have to work double time to get them finished and we all headed to bed.

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