Sunday, July 3, 2011


DAY 16

We woke up at 8:20 this morning. The kids where so excited because we told them that they could go crabbing all day today. It starts at 9:00. They don't have church services here so I had the kids all reading out of our bible story books. They had to wait for breakfast anyway so it worked out good. We had scrambled eggs,bacon , and toast. Then Thad and the big kids headed out for a day of crabbing at the dock below our campsite. I told them that I would bring the little girls down later when I had cleaned up the camper. I also put on a pot of potatoes for some soup later. Then we headed down to see how the crabbing was going. They caught alot of crabs but nothing that you could keep. They had to be so big and they had to be male. We stayed awhile and then Paisley and I headed back to the RV. I thought that she was getting sleepy but she wasn't. We ate some peanut butter and apples and then started reheating fish and tacos for the others to eat. They came up to the campsite to eat lunch and said they still haven't had any luck. They drank a gallon of tea and scarfed down their food and headed to play in the sand awhile. Kali had to have a band aid because after I left a crab finally got her. I knew that it was bound to happen because she kept wanting to pick one up.
sea lions

Thad walked down to check the traps because the kids wanted to take a break and play in the sand. I went down with Paisley to play in the sand. I had my beach chair and my shorts rolled up to get some sun as I notice that Paisley has pooped everywhere... I did get to relax for a minute. It was better than yesterday. I stretched out tanning  when she put sand all over me. I took her up for a bath and it didn't take long for the other kids to follow. They went back to the dock to check the rings for crabs. Thad came back after crabbing was over at 5:00 and said that Alexa was the only one that caught a keeper. The kids are eating it all right now. We all had grilled cheese and potato soup and grilled cheese for supper. We invited Thad's friend, Masami, over for some. He looked like he might be cold. He came in and they had a nice chat about realestate and jobs and then we headed over to the crab cooking site for karaoke. I did get to stay long enough to see Alexa sing and then Kali jumped on Mitchell's back when he wasn't looking and they both fell on the ground. She started crying and I had to take her back to the RV. It was already 9:00 so I had to get Paisley to bed anyway. They stayed until it was over around 11:30, before they came inside and said they had a good time. Thad said after I left there was alot of good singers and then they hung out at the campsite next to us to sit by the fire. I was already in the bed. Then they all went to sleep as well.
Kali took this picture of her sissy singing

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