Saturday, July 16, 2011


DAY 28
We woke up at 9:00 this morning. I started cooking omelets and after 10 eggs I could tell that everyone was still hungry. I made pancakes and Lawson even still ate grits. I never thought that he would eat them all put he did. I made tea and then we headed out on the road. We drove through some more of the Redwoods. These trees are huge.
This is the one of the first big trees that we saw.

They are hand in hand and not even half way around the tree still!!

There were ferns growing everywhere. They were so neat.

This is what they call the Big Tree. I think there are big trees everywhere that you look.

Still the big tree

Everyone had to take their turn climbing the tree.

We found another drive thru tree.It was called Chandelier Tree.

This is what we looked at most of the way to Fort Bragg.
 Paisley went to sleep so I got to sit upfront with Thad for awhile. We are all starving we are short on snack food and will have to stock up in the next town. When she woke up she was not in a good mood and all she wanted me to do was hold her. We made it to Fort Bragg and found a place called MacKerricher State Park. There was a skeleton of a gray whale at the entrance of the park and it was really neat to see after we just saw the whale in Klamath.

We found our site and then headed out to find a store to buy some food. Thad, Alexa, and Mitchell went inside while the little girls stayed with me and fought with each other while Lawson slept. The girls finally woke Lawson up by singing and fighting. Kali can't keep her hands off of Paisley, but Paisley knows how to take up for herself now. We headed back to the campsite and I am freezing. It is cold. Thad is grilling hot dogs and hot wings. The kids love them takes away some of the hot flavor. Kali and Paisley were even sampling what the boys had left over. Alexa painted fingernails and Thad and the boys headed over to the beach with their bikes. They stayed forever. It was fine with us though it was too cold for us to go anyway. I put the little girls in the bathtub and then put Paisley to bed. The boys made it back talking about how they saw starfish and seals. We are going to head over to the beach in morning to check it out. Heading to bed for now. Goodnight

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