Tuesday, June 21, 2011


                                                                         DAY 4
     We let everyone sleep a little later this morning because again it was rainy. It rained all night long so we decided that we would head on out to Mt. Rushmore because the canyons would be even muddier that the day before. All the kids wanted to stop by Wall Drug Store. So we stopped and walked through all of the shops. It is just souvenir shop after shop. That is all there is to that place. They had some statutes that you could take your picture with and Kali was beginning to be a camera hog....She wanted hers made with everyone of them. We were getting hungry so we stopped by Subway and got some sandwiches to go. The kids were excited because that is the first time that we have eat out on the trip. It is funny how much more kids appreciate things when they go without it for awhile. It doesn't matter to me if it is hamburgers or bologna, I am just hungry all the time. I will be as big as a cow by the time we get home. Robin, I know that you will love that..

Good Times..You can't fake smiles like that

Isn't she so cute sitting on the horses butt

Kali wants her picture made.

She wants it made again.

They acted like they didn't enjoy this

Kali wanted me to take her picture again

Wall Drug Store

   After Wall Drug it is Mt.Rushmore. Well we are here and just in time because the smell in this camper is horrible.( I will leave it at that..) I am trying to not be gross but I am also trying to let you know what it is like to be on the road with 5 kids. We have just arrived and Kali and Paisley are asleep so Thad decided to stay in the camper since he has already seen Mt.Rushmore. Just as I turned the generator off, they both woke up. So we all got to go together. It turned out to be good because we took another family photo.

We are here.


Thad and the kids climbed up the hill to get a picture. If you look close you can see them.

Here they are again on the mountain

         Again the kids had a good time and now we are headed to the KOA campsite. This place has everything that you could ever want to do...and it should because it cost $76 a night. We told the kids they better do everything that there is to do.. They have pools, a water slide, a big bouncy thing, cornhole, volleyball, bball, fishing, horseback riding, putt-putt, and more. The kids rode bikes while we took the little ones to play on the playground and in the sand. This place is great I just wish it was a bit warmer. 

The bouncy thing

Alexa on the bikes they rented. She is telling me that she just saw a chipmunk

Playing in the sand.

Another great day on the road.  Goodnight to you all.

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