Thursday, June 23, 2011

Devil's Tower


    We got up early this morning to do laundry. This time we had 4 loads thanks to all the fun that we had in the Badlands. The kids help me take them over to wash and then they headed over to eat pancakes. They had an all-you-eat pancake breakfast for $2.50.  After that, the kids played putt-putt and rented bikes again. After we got the laundry put up we had  minutes for them to swim.  It is warmer today but the water is still cold. They stayed in the hot tub most of the time. The check-out time here is 11:00 so it is time to leave. We are going to drive through Custer National Park on our way to Devil's Tower. They say that you can see all kinds of wildlife there. All of the sudden we hear Lawson yell BUFFALO... It was on the side of the road so we pulled over and took pictures.

We also saw antelope, prairie dogs, and donkeys. The kids feed them and one of them went over to the RV and started scratching his head. We were afraid that he was going to take off our mirror. After we feed the animals we got  back on the road.
The kids and a buffalo in the background



We are here....DEVIL'S TOWER


We decided to go find our campsite first to make sure they had a vacant site. Thad wanted to stay inside the park so.. no Internet. Talk about ruffing it.. No water, no electric, and even certain hours that you could run the generator.They have sinks and toilets in the bathhouse but no soap I told that Thad that was the whole idea of having an RV was to have some luxury. We all decided that we could stand it when we saw the view from the site that we picked.

Front row seat to the tower

In the pasture beside our campsite.
We are having so much fun I just can't say that enough. Alexa and Lawson are playing jump rope, Kali and Mitchell are playing ball, Paisley is running around everywhere, and Thad and I are sitting here enjoying the view. Now a baked potato and burger for supper. They are having an Indian presentation that the kids are going to go see while I get Paisley to sleep. This is the only night it has taken her forever to fall asleep. Kali told me that she had never seen an Indian in real life just on t.v. I took her up to see the show. When we got there it was almost over but we got there in time to see him dance. He was telling us that they started kids dancing when they were the size of Kali and he pointed at her. She was so excited that she told Thad that the Indian talked about her during the show.  The big kids were impressed also, they said there was a group of younger Indians that were coming tomorrow night that had ran 500 miles in 5 days. They were going to be staying at that campsite.  Well it is 9:30 and we don't have any light so we are heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. We r loving following along! U have been a long way in 6 days. Put an updated pic of your map.
