Friday, July 8, 2011


DAY 21
We are getting the car loaded up and heading to Bend, Oregon. That is where the RV is located. It is about 1 and 1\2 hours from here. We stopped off at all the view point to take pictures of Crater Lake since we haven't got to see it good yet. I am so ready to get out of this place but the lake really is beautiful.

This is snow..

Paisley fell asleep
We had to wake her up to get some lunch at McDonald's. The kids were very excited to get to eat out.

We found a Goodwill Super Store...
                                                               We made it to Bend and we went over to check out the RV and to see what the damage is going to be. They have her up on the rack but haven't look it over to be sure what it is going to need. Doesn't she look so lonely...

 We made it to Riverhouse hotel in Bend, Oregon and this is going to be our home for the night. Thad and the kids are having fun swimming in the pool.

Thad enjoying the balcony and some popcorn
They just came back from swimming and we have eaten supper. The kids are enjoying playing their ipods and watching tv.  We are still having a good time. Not much else to report for the rest of the night. We had showers and watched tv until time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I am sorry you ran into trouble with the RV. I hope they treated you well and did not hold you up on the repairs. We all miss you and Thad and the kids. Have a safe time and will write again soon.
